jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012


To be honest, I didnt like the english class at all. Please, dont misunderstand. In my school life, I had horribles teachers, and desmotivated classmates, so the result is a repetitive class, without new practice knowledges. I try to be attent in the classes in general, and take part all how I can, but in this context is hard, because slowly you going put lazy and indifferent to homeworks or use. Fortunately,in the hisghschool I had a real teacher that change my life. English took sense and  was more fun thanks she.
I think If you are good in your class of lenguage or literature, another lenguage will be more easy to study. For the verbal time, for example. So, in me case english in the school wasnt to hard of learn.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi3TG8lVaeXdZ7cZsNZ_MWvFQx25q7FthifX529zc7WvFPWCNRwMFQzYLbUSIaQpoGhKkFaA-p4JeRf2r68NtLIPyDXY_yjtH381xs3zLc_P_LkiDPF0KGnCVuUb0v8h8cuE1PzqavKsRVb/s1600/educacion.jpgRight now, in the university I think that is a good class. If is bored is only for the hourly, really later:  when you`re more tired, the spirits are more slows!. Critically I found that the basic (read, listen,talk, write) is always necessary to aplicate, If you need to improve this first to be actually good.
In this case that is covered for the teacher. I think that would be a good idea use more technical lenguage of our carrer. You know, the expressions of the students of Philosophy isn`t the technisism of Archeology. In our carrer is mainly read and understand the theorys, for will write ensays or report. Talk and listen are important too, but in second flat. The hability will be developed later, but without the basic concept taken of read and write you cant do this.
Well, I try to do good my english, but I lazy sometimes, so I forgotten important things or details. Read is more easy for me. Write too, specially with instances like blog. I think that blog works, because you are exposed If you wrote wrong, If you did good, others classmates should understand that you want mean. I actually need to improve my talk in english, when I have to do seriously, my mind went blank andf I began to stutter. I hate listenigs, but now I improved that when I began to see my series and comics in english.
Out of the class, I use english to annoy or joke  with my sister. And read and look series online.