Hi! Ok, this time I really dont know which topic use for write, I really confused; there are so many topics important to comment today...But today I talk about a one of my favorites novels, The looking glass wars do you remember? This was my exposition, but this was not be that I wanted...
Well, this is a new perspective of the famous tale of Alice in Wonderland; the autor , Frank Beddor tell us that Lewis Carrol publicated a book based in the story of Alice Lidell, but, that he believed a tale or fantasy is the real story of the life of Alice, so he misundertand all and publicated a lot of lies, even write bad her name, isnt Alice, is Alyss.
Well, in this new story Alyss is thelittle princess of Wonderland; a magic kingdom where the principal power is the imagination; white (good) or black (bad).Wonderland is a place like other , the people have a pacific life...But, this peace is threaten for the dark power of the Black Imagination; the "Queen Red" take the power of Wonderland, and Alyss, only seven years old have to run away to save and come back to rescue her kingdom of the darkness of her evil aunt. She arrive to Earth , but she is lost in this gray world, and nobody believed her story, so nobody help. But she come back to fight and recover her home...
Well, is so fantastic, but the novel have the enogh prove for believe in this new story. Is a book very fun and is fast of read and very complete; have love, fight, secrets, etc. This story is talk in three books, publicated ago few years, there are; The Looking Glass War , Seing Redd and Arch Enemy.
There is the link http://thelookingglasswars.com/ , to know more about this books; there are version of the character in comic, like the Hatter Mad or the Princess Alyss.
A creazy, creazy story... and really psychedelic..